My Goals

I set a lot of goals for myself! I am using this page to help keep me accountable and focused on the road ahead.

October 2011

1. Track calories using spark people everyday
2. Post on blog 1/day
3. Develop pages on blog
4. Follow Half-Marathon training plan
5. Read 2 books
6. Daily TAWG (time alone with God)
7. Try at least 1 new recipe every week.
8. Go to bikram yoga 2 times (it's torture but hurts so good!)
9. Finish redecorating our bathroom (need: scoop for bath salts, new towels, bathmat, something decorative for counter)
10. Make a realistic cleaning schedule for each week and stick to it
11. Start reading groups with my students
12. Catch up with friends over the phone (K, SS, SF, AD)
13. Reach Goal Weight #1 of 130
14. Clean out apartment and donate a ton!